Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My iTunes Ordeal

A few days ago I acquired a lot of music, and I mean a lot of music off an old HDD.  Sadly the music was horribly unorganized, so I have spent the better part of the last two days deleting duplicates and editing song info.

The first thing I would like to cover is the "Show Duplicates" option on iTunes.  It's pretty much a worthless piece of crap.  When I first clicked it after importing the music, it game me something around 10,000 registered duplicates.  This overwhelming number was compounded by the fact that it gave me duplicates, the originals, as well as songs that had no duplicates!  It also tagged as duplicates songs that were the same, bu from different albums.  I was expecting the ability to do a Ctrl-A -> Delete -> Done! But I was shown a daunting mess of information.  After initially reviewing the library and cleaning out a significant amount of duplicates, a faced another annoying challenge.

Around 7000 wma files had been queued for converting, 6000 were already in my library.  I had to wait out a 2 day long conversion process only to go through through another manual duplicate hunt.  My point is iTunes, please give people who don't exclusively but from your overpriced store some actual options to manage their libraries.  Or free my iPod and let me convert the m4p protected music files to mp3's, your choice.

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