Friday, October 2, 2009

Can Wave Get Better?

As Google Wave tutorials continue to poor in, the hype seems so be turning against Google.  In this post, Scobleizer gives a brutal representation of the innovative new service.  I frankly have no idea whether this is true but his arguments make sense.
"But it’s a productivity sink if you are trying to just communicate with other people," he says. 
 The main problem right now seems to be that most of the people you know are not on the service.  The implications of this seems to be that most activity will have no relevance to you personally.  Scobleizer gives this advice, "Do not everyone," in all caps for emphasis.
He says that that will cut down on the volume of crap that gets pushed to the top of your inbox.  Sadly that means you'll have to wait for your friend invites to go through, but that seems to be a small price to pay for sanity.

That got me thinking about how we can improve Wave.  Wave already has been hyped as a merger of email, IM, docs, etc.  I think that we need a another integration of email.  You should be able to send a wave to someone's email and either have that wave embedded in the email with the ability to fully interact with the wave client, or have email messages get sent to wave.  
The later would be the less favorable option, but much easier to implement.  these changes would have the effect of opening up the wave client to every friend of the users on it.  It really would replace email.  The version as it stands only has the potential of displacing email if EVERYONE gets on it, something which cannot happen.

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