Thursday, October 15, 2009

Facebook is Broken

Facebook is broken.  There I said it.  Now some Facebook fan boys are probably going to come and make a snit.  They can stuff it though, cause Facebook is broken.

Let me start with the simple problems, my Facebook is literally broken.  When ever I click off the homepage I somehow lose all my friends.  So, for example, if I click on a friends profile to write on their wall, I am suddenly not friends with them anymore!

a return to the homepage then shows a homepage without any of my friends updates.  Rather useless I would say, not to mention that this is the situation that happens when the pages actually load.  The past few days for me on Facebook have been a series of broken links and database errors, along with the ocasional "your account is undergoing maintenance.

Really? Maintenance? So why can I log in now?  I think this is revealing the bigger problem with Facebook, it's bloated.

Bloated, Boated, Boated.

All the applications and PHP graphical crap they have shoved into the site have left it a beached whale swimming in a sea of it's own features.  They need to stop trying to make the site an all encompassing user experience and stick with what their good at, status updates, wall posts, and pictures.  Imagine what Google would be like if everyone of their services were on the homepage.  It would be a slow hulking mess.  Instead, Google's homepage has the Google logo and the search bar.  If you want to do something else you click a link at the top.

Facebook needs to take a page from the Google play book and separate their services into different, interconnected entities.

They need to get their act together and streamline the homepage, or I may start using Twitter a whole lot more.

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