Thursday, October 1, 2009

Muse: The Resistance

Muse: The Resistance

First impression of The Resistance: Not as good as Black Holes and Revelations, but it still has the Muse sound, although I feel as if the album has a more "flat" feeling to it.  I feel that the ups and downs are not as sharp as the previous release, for example you could see the same thing in Beck's Guero and Modern Guilt.  Both are good albums, you just have to listen into the background a lot more in Modern Guilt to find all the little things in the song.  I do wish there was a song like Invincible from BHaR, maybe I'm missing it, it hasn't jumped out at me yet.  In conclusion The Resistance is in essence more complex than BHaR, and only slightly less superior.

I bought the album off of iTunes to check out their new "iTunes LP" feature, and my feelings are generally positive.  I doesn't seem as if the price was higher than normal, with the damn $1.29 price point taken into consideration.  The LP features lyrics, comments from the band, three videos, and ten photos.  The video's were cool, a trippy live performance of Supermassive Black Hole, and the making of videos were fairly interesting.  I would recommend the iTunes version if you can't get it from somewhere else for cheaper.  I didn't check anywhere else, but a dollar less probably would have swerved me away.  I guess if your Muse crazy you would enjoy it a lot more, I just find it to be an interesting piece of eye candy to look through.

Judgment Zone!
Rating: ★★★★☆
Good: Keeps old Muse feel, interesting undertones
                                             Bad: Not as epic as BHaR, less ups and downs

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